The problem of fungal nail infection is quite common. According to the WHO, every 10 people in the world suffer from this unpleasant disease. You can become infected if the basic rules of personal hygiene are not followed or in public places: bathrooms, swimming pools, saunas, gym locker rooms.
Mycosis does not pose a serious health hazard, but it is uncomfortable and very difficult to eliminate. In advanced cases, therapy lasts for many months. For effective treatment, the main thing is to recognize the first symptoms of the disease in time and consult a dermatologist. Along with drug therapy, the doctor can prescribe the use of traditional medicine recipes that help speed up the healing process.
Signs of the disease
It is difficult to determine onychomycosis in the initial stage. Therefore, it is important not to miss the manifestations of progressive damage. The first "alarm bells" can be considered the following:
- change in color, structure, shine of the nail;
- the appearance of tuberosity, growth disturbance;
- delamination, destruction;
- pathological thickening;
- delineated bands of mycelium distribution;
- pain syndrome when walking;
- pungent and unpleasant odor;
- redness, peeling of nearby skin;
- deterioration of nail rollers.

Most of the time, the thumb suffers first (pathogens penetrate the most traumatic area - the edge of the corner of the nail).
If even some symptoms are found, you should immediately consult a doctor. A timely visit to a medical center will ensure maximum effectiveness of the treatment.
Medications for toenail fungus
If you suspect a yeast infection, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist. After performing all the tests, he will prescribe the correct treatment. To achieve a quick therapeutic effect, a complex fight against the fungus is recommended, consisting of oral agents and external preparations. Ointment with a fat base is not used in the treatment of nail mycosis. This is due to the poor penetration of this drug form on the surface of the stratum corneum.
Healing varnish
In recent years, antifungal drugs in the form of varnishes have become widespread. It is advisable to use them only in cases of weak injuries. In advanced diseases, this type of external remedy will not bring the desired result. They are produced in a bottle with a brush, which looks like a normal cosmetic varnish.
Along with topical preparations, oral agents are used. Tablets have an effect on the whole body, they help to eliminate the infection as soon as possible.
External remedies
You can treat mycoses with various sprays, creams, oils. Due to their local action, they do not damage the liver. The disadvantage of this method is the duration of use.
Laser treatment
With prolonged and unsuccessful attempts to remove nail fungus, you should think about laser therapy. This method is effective in getting rid of neglected injuries.

The course is 6-10 procedures, during which the affected areas of the nail plate are removed. The laser beam penetrates deep into the tissue to the location of the fungal mycelium and kills it.
The advantages of the technique:
- lack of pain during the procedure;
- no dosage forms required;
- It does not have secondary and allergic reactions.
According to the doctors, the laser is the fastest way to get rid of the problem. However, miraculous as the treatment may be, it has a number of limitations for its use:
- diabetes;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- malignant neoplasms;
- serious violations of the heart, kidneys, liver.
Before starting a course of treatment, it is imperative to undergo an examination of the body.
Treatment with home remedies.
Alternative medicine is quite popular. But they should be used wisely, after consulting with your doctor.

The waste product of bees is known for its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. With regular use of propolis, the affected nail disappears and a healthy one grows in its place. After the symptoms disappear, it is important not to stop the procedure, because the infection may come back.
Natural propolis is used three times a day. One piece is applied to the steamed nail and left for 30 minutes. The first results will appear in a couple of months.

Another alternative medicine recipe is alcohol tincture:
- Stir 30 g of propolis in 120 g of isopropyl alcohol. Leave in a cool, dark place for 2 days;
- Before the procedure, steam your feet in a laundry soap solution;
- Dry, cut off the infected areas as much as possible, cut off the nail plate layer;
- Moisten cotton wool with dye and secure it with a bandage on the sore area overnight;
- Carry out the treatment for at least two months.
To prevent infection, healthy nails are cleaned daily with tincture.
The main requirement of any of the recipes is well-steamed nails. Don't forget this rule.
At home, vinegar is often used - apple cider or table vinegar. Traditional healers offer three ways to use the essence:
- Make a mixture of iodine and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution twice a day for six months;
- Mix 2 tbsp. yovinagar with 10 drops of tea tree oil extract, minced garlic clove. The resulting mixture is applied to the plate 2-3 times a day;
- A glass of vinegar is added to the steam bath. The baths are done three times a week until the nails are renewed.
The poisonous plant helps to quickly eliminate the fungus. Use it carefully so as not to burn your skin.
You can use fresh plant juice. Pluck the herb, rinse and turn in a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. In a glass container, mix 200 g of extract and isopropyl alcohol. The solution is insisted in a dark place for two days. The mixture is applied to the nails 3-4 times a day after full steam cooking.

The pharmacy chain sells ready-made celandine oil. Lubricate the nail plate after careful processing (steaming, removing affected areas, cleaning with peroxide).
The remedy we are used to for whitening things, which is used at home, can also be used in the treatment of onychomycosis. Whiteness has a powerful antibacterial effect. Every other day, apply the liquid on the nails until the plate is completely renewed.
For treatment, you need to make an ointment. Put an egg in a glass and pour the vinegar essence for several days. The peel should dissolve. Remove the film from the egg and mix with the remaining liquid. Add butter until thickened.
The resulting product is applied to the infected nails before going to bed, wrapped in a bandage. The procedure is carried out for 5-6 weeks.
For the treatment of mycosis, an alcoholic solution of iodine is suitable. It should be applied twice a day with a cotton swab. For prophylaxis, the procedure is carried out on healthy nails once a day. It is useful to make steam baths with the addition of iodine.
tea mushroom
In folk medicine, it is used to treat various diseases, including onychomycosis. A plate of kombucha is placed on the affected area, covered with polyethylene on top, and fixed with a bandage. The compress is left on overnight. In the morning, the dead layer should be removed, lubricated with iodine.
Hydrogen peroxide
Powerful antiseptic that successfully fights mycosis. After careful preparation, cotton is applied to the nail surface, abundantly moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. To prevent the active substance from evaporating, cover it with polyethylene on top. The compress is left for 1 hour. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until a healthy nail grows back.
This remedy has shown good results when treated at home. In a glass of water, dilute 1 tbsp. yoammonia. The resulting solution is compressed overnight. The main requirement is to steam the nails until they are smooth.
Ammonium hydroxide baths also help cure mycosis. Mix in hot water 3 tablespoons. sodium bicarbonate, ammonia, 30-40 g of liquid soap. In such a solution, the surface of the feet and nails softens faster.
Sodium bicarbonate
Before using any antifungal agent, be sure to steam your nails. Soda baths work well to prevent the spread of infection. For 3 liters of hot water, 2 tablespoons are taken. I powder. For the best effect, you can add 1 tablespoon. grated laundry soap.
They also make lotions with soda. 100 g are diluted with water until a suspension is formed, which is applied to the nails. After 15-20 minutes, the mixture is washed.
Potassium permanganate
Potassium permanganate is known for its strong antiseptic properties. It is used for baths before applying other medications.
You have to be careful with manganese to avoid burning yourself. For safe use, you should not take more than 3 crystals and dissolve them completely in water.
birch tar
It has an antiseptic effect and can be used alone or in the form of soap. Tar is applied to the nail at bedtime after processing. It is used until recovery.
You can use cooking or seafood. Make a mixture of soda and salt in equal proportions, dilute it with a small amount of cold water. The solution is abundantly lubricated with nails, and after 10 minutes they are washed off. During the procedure, you may feel a burning sensation.
Before using the drug, the thick stratum corneum of the salt bath is thoroughly steamed.
If there is no increased dryness of the skin, you can soak your feet in a solution of laundry soap and table or sea salt. This procedure has a bactericidal and drying effect.
Traditional medicine recommends using the drug to clean nails and skin. After treatment, cotton moistened with an aqueous solution of novocaine is applied to the affected areas and fixed with a bandage. After an hour, the compress is removed. Daily procedures can relieve pain, burning, and itching.
To get the best effect from the treatment, experts advise to perform a medical pedicure procedure. It is cutting the nail with a special milling machine.
Prevention of fungal diseases.
The causative agent of onychomycosis is a tenacious organism. The spores can remain viable in the environment for months, awaiting favorable conditions for growth.

In order not to become infected with pathogenic microflora, the following rules should be observed:
- in public areas (baths, saunas, swimming pools), be sure to wear your own removable shoes;
- wear clean socks every day;
- after showering, bathing, dry your feet and the area between your toes thoroughly;
- do not wear someone else's shoes;
- treat the surface of the injured skin with an antiseptic;
- use personal pedicure tools;
- combat excessive sweating of the feet;
- coming from the street, dry wet shoes;
- monitor immunity status.
It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. The main requirement for the prevention of mycosis is strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene.
Good immunity is an important factor in disease prevention. People with weakened body defenses are more likely to become infected with infections. Taking vitamin complexes, immunostimulating drugs is the first step in the prevention of mycosis.
If signs of illness are detected in a loved one living in the same apartment, they should wear medicated protective equipment. Prophylactic agents are produced in the form of sprays, ointments, creams, varnishes.
For preventive purposes, the remedies recommended by traditional medicine are also suitable. The iodine is applied to the surface of the nails once a day. You can also rub your feet with a vinegar solution.
Treating fungi is quite a laborious and long process. Complex therapy with pharmaceutical and home remedies helps speed up the healing process.
For effective treatment, it is important to recognize the first signs of onychomycosis in time and consult a doctor. Only in a medical institution it is possible to conduct tests to correctly determine the type of pathogen. After this, a suitable treatment is prescribed that will lead to healing.